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Dear Portico Partners,

2023 was yet another year of momentous change and uncertainty for Minnesotans in need of health care.  It’s hard to believe we started the year still under pandemic Public Health Emergency orders and ended it with unprecedented demand for assistance accessing and retaining health insurance coverage.

By the end of November, Portico:

  • Served over 12,000 people
  • Submitted over 7,966 health care program applications to servicing agencies
  • Successfully enrolled over 5,400 individuals in Minnesota’s public programs and qualified health plans on MNsure

Of course, we did not do this alone.  As we all know, supporting communities is a collective effort and we would not have reached so many people without all of you.  We are grateful for the support and camaraderie as we all prepared and rose to the challenge of millions of Minnesotans needing assistance retaining their health coverage.

In addition to numbers served, we also made strides this past year in other critical areas of our work:

  • Continued improvement of our virtual assistance model.  Over 90% of people served prefer the ease and reduced barriers of Portico’s virtual services.
  • Introduced a “pop-up” enrollment clinic model.  We focused our community presence by bringing our expertise where needed in partnership with other community resources.
  • Implemented IT cybersecurity policies and technologies.  We are now able to provide secure seamless referrals with our community and contracted partners.
  • Awarded an Eliminating Health Disparities Initiative (EHDI) grant from the Minnesota Department of Health.  We are focused on healthy beginnings through health coverage for low-income pregnant persons and newborns.

As we look forward to 2024, we continue our mission of increasing equitable access to health coverage with a specific focus on improving racial and health equity.  We will do this through continued outreach and assistance to those most in need of assistance with health care program applications and renewals, sustained focus on early interventions via health coverage for pregnant persons and newborns and preparing for the expansion of MinnesotaCare regardless of immigration status.  We are excited to make an impact in these areas.

But most of all, we look forward to continued success in reaching people and closing health equity gaps in partnership with you.  Thank you again.  All of us at Portico wish you a peaceful and healthy holiday season and a happy New Year!

Stephanie Radtke, President, Portico Healthnet